I'm going to do that annoying thing were people suddenly make their blogs into diary's. But i simply must do it as this has been the most productive day I have had in quite some day and it feels so good at the end of it! Well today in school i read more of that depressing "Wuthering Heights" , i actually recommend it though! so different to your conventional love story, which i totally love! anyway that was part of my (read a book for English literature every two weeks - this one is taking way longer LOL)! anyway when i got home , i then went driving (part of my contribution to trying to get my driving test by march) it was pretty darn stressful and apart from the fact i nearly wiped out the front of my car pulling into a stupid coastal car park (don't even get me started on it, apparently my dad was not worried about the wall i was thinking he was :S ) and my dad freaking out in the passenger seat! anyway! then after dinner, i did TWO HOURS of school work (I KNOW) i forgot i only said i needed to do 1 hour every night!!! anyway i got rid of all my homework which has made me prettttty darn happy!
This is the time i started my schoolwork...
And this is the time i ended...
as you can see , there is a dial in the background of this picture...yes that is in fact an exercise bike!! which i spent 30 minutes on straight after working for two hours! BOOM YES! this contributes to my number "30. work out for one hour every day", ah but what was not an hour you say! yip , i tanked it up with dumbbells doing 100 lifts on each arm then doing my "41. 100 sit ups every day" made it nearly (lol at "nearly") and hour! So i don't feel like such a waster anymore given that this has been one of the most productive days Ive ever had! this is probably due to the fact that i have had my brother banish my TV cable from me and confiscate it so that i cant watch TV anymore! to be honest i watch so much crap which has no impact on me whatsoever! and also i just wanted to remind you of my number "23. Have a hang out night at my house at least once every month" took place last Friday when i had two of my best friends over and we made pancakes for the majority of the night! it was such good bant!!!
p.s I'm a tank at flipping pancakes...its quite unreal! I'm like a ninja...
This was our second batch! Choc chip Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
and i found a heart shape for making pancakes with in my house! EPIC WIN! :)
also 139 views...i love you guys :)
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