Saturday, 27 August 2011

To Save a Life

So I watched this movie tonight called "To Save a Life". Generally, I find that Christian movies can be too cheesy and have real bad acting. But this one really surprised me. I would recommend it, really I would. I don't wanna give too much away but here is what I took from it. Basically, this world and all its issues are temporary. I would say that the majority of people who watch this movie will say at the end "wow, the problems I thought I had are so insignificant to what I have just seen". What I want to encourage you to do is look to the detail, the small things. Inviting someone over to sit with you at lunch, inviting someone out for a movie, all those dopey things which we take for granted yet mean the absolute world to someone else. For me, this movie reminded me of the real reason why I am here, I am here to be a servant, to help those who need help. Its time to put my own personal desires and wants aside. Sometimes you can get so consumed by them. I have been. And I probably will be again at some point. You are always told that a little bit of kindness goes a long way, and its totally true. I understand that everything I am saying now is total cheeeeese but you'll understand what I'm talking about after you also watch this.

1 John 4:8 "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love"

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