Saturday, 14 July 2012

Well in the Swing of Norn Iron

So I want to start with saying you can take the girl out of Ireland but you cannot take Ireland out of the girl. I am back with my own kind again, the people who get my humor, who I know. I know were not called to be comfortable but familiarity has been so good. I have not been comfortable. So many people have asked me about my major, what I am doing, and you get mixed results when you tell people "oh biblical studies with general ministry". Today I told a girl who is one of my friends but I wasn't sure how she would react, and I can honestly say she could not have been more positive, its funny how people who aren't necessarily Christian have been the most accepting of what I'm doing.

It's so funny how God works. When I was younger I never wanted to leave Northern Ireland, but when I got my first taste of America, I wanted out of here. I told myself entering my freshman year that I would never return long term but every time I have came back to visit I have realized the need here and how well I fit here. This has not come easy to me. I have a life in America, a life I could easily continue living. At the moment my heart is torn between two places and both of them are 4000 miles apart. But God has got this, and I firmly believe that. I just see so much I could do here. I still have three years left in the states and so much could happen in that time. God only knows what could happen. But I trust that God will place me where I am needed.

Its such a culture shock when you get dropped back into real life from Christian College. And I'm so thankful for that culture shock. We can get so easily caught up in petty things at Christian College, you would honestly laugh but since being back I have had to face some crazy issues. Issues that I have never faced before. But I honestly tell you that the beauty here steals my heart everytime, the people steal my heart, God is so evident in the surroundings of this place but not in the places He should be. Churches are dated, Christians are fairly scarce (in comparison to America) and God is irrelevant. This place needs a revival. And I don't want to miss it.

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