1) The Oxford Dictionary defines "relationship" as "the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected". Ok, so this idea of "connectedness" seems big. Looking into this more I would say that this is a consistent thing, commitment is involved, that it is not something you can pick up when you do desire, and when you are in...you're all in or at least you should be. We are either in a relationship or we are not. There is no on the fence when it comes to relationships. We are either fully invested or not invested at all.
2) If I were in a romantic relationship, even in relationships with friends, if I think that there is something wrong or am feeling distant from that person, I'm going to do something about it and have an urgency about it. I would never think "oh it'll fix itself", relationships don't work like that. I would want to fix it because I care about them so much and care about that relationship. I would do everything I could; call, text, write, whatever it took to restore that relationship back to what it was. But when I think about how often I have felt distant from God, or that I just haven't felt "connected", and I didn't do anything about it, it makes me feel so guilty. With God we figure that He will just show up soon, it'll only be a matter of time, the next worship thing we go to, next church service. I should be alarmed when I don't feel connected to God. The very minute it crosses my mind, I should be off to talk to Him, read His Word, there should be urgency in this relationship when I feel it isn't where it should be.
3) You are never suddenly in a relationship, it takes time, work, and a constant commitment. Everyday you pour more of yourself into it, you invest yourself in it, all of yourself. Its a constant journey which takes constant effort and work. But how many times do I view my relationship with God like this? And how many times do I put so much importance on it? Relationships are not stagnant. They need to keep moving, we keep pursuing and chasing.
4) Your relationship with God is so unlike any other relationship with anyone else. You see God knows you, your past, knows you below the mask you put on with other people, has saw you at your best and worst and still that does not affect the fact He still thinks more of you than all your friends put together. People often say that you can see the healthiness of your life based upon your relationships with people. But you can see the healthiness of your relationships with people based upon your relationship with God. If you are really seeking Him, you begin to see His people in a way that He sees them and all the blessings which come from being closer to Him.
5) Relationships need quality time with that person. Alone time, where you are not being shared between them and someone else. How many times do we spend intentional time alone with God, without distractions? Where we set aside a time and place where we keep our eyes on Him and are genuinely interested in our relationship with Him and with its progress?
6) We are in love in relationships. Can you genuinely say you are "in love" with God? That idea makes us uncomfortable I know. But have we got to the point where we just get so overwhelmed that God should think so much of us even though we're pretty crappy. Everyday do we wake up and count our blessings that God should be so in love with us? and why isnt' that enough somedays?
7) Such joy and happiness comes with relationships. There is unbelievable joy to be found in a relationship with God. You can go on crazy adventures where you never thought you would go.
Recently in a conversation with one of my closest friends, we discussed how the very things which the human body craves can be found in the Bible and in the characteristics of God. We seek purpose, love and consistency. But God is the only being which can offer such a deal. We crave the character of God and the fruits of the spirit that come with Him. But like true humans we try and seek these cravings in other things, and that marks our very downfall when we make that decision. When we sin we settle for less than we deserve, because God freely offers us so much more.
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