Sometimes I like to share little things in my life that make me laugh. Meet my little brother George. He's 16 and my Dad recently told me this story.
My brother works in a small local shop near our house. My Dad picked him up one day and noticed that he had an apple tart with him (my Dad's favorite dessert). Anyway, my brother got in the car and he said to my Dad "Dad... what would you say if I saved a life?". My Dad, unsure of what George was TRULY asking, asked again what my brother meant. George merely repeated the question "Dad, what would you say if I saved a life?". Dad then replied saying "well I'd be proud of you, thats a great thing to spare something from death". Then my brother let loose what this all meant. George explained how a man had come into the shop that day telling George how he was going to shoot his dog since it was no good. This is when my brother told my Dad "so... his dog is arriving at 12 o'clock's an apple tart".
SO we welcome Bailey the cocker spaniel and labrador mix to our family!!!!
You never know whats going to happen next in our household. I am incredibly blessed.
I love your family.