The dreaded day is coming guys, the day every single person dreads. Valentines day. Also known as "Single Awareness Day". This day is where every single person shudders going through the valentines day section of the store, when teen girls want nothing more than a bit of romance, where people spend an incredible amount of money on chocolate and bath products for their significant other.
It breaks my heart to see someone hurt over a failed love with another human being. I see the hearts of the people I love get broken over people who they believe they love. Both guys and girls. How can we not? We watch so many romantic movies, we get so caught up in the lines, we think that everything would be so much better of we only had someone there for us all the time. Someone to run to when things are tough, someone to celebrate with when something totally awesome happens, someone to love us when we are at our worst, to be proud of us, to take pride in the fact they are connected to us.
I see so many people look for this picture, so many people search for this fairytale. Many people find this, dont get me wrong on that. But, you already have it. You already have someone who loves you unconditionally, who takes pride in you, who wants to share in not only your joy but in your sorrow too. God has been there from the start, you know about love because you know about Him. He sees you searching for human love and its as if His love is not adequate enough for you. You'll never find love like His. The best thing about focusing on a relationship with Him, is that He only lets in the right person. God loves you for who you are, He made you that way.
And if you haven't found that person yet, God is still shaping you and He is still shaping them, neither of you are ready yet. But when you both are, Wow, its going to be brilliant. But don't see your single life as you just passing time until the person of your dreams suddenly walks into it. You have unbelievable opportunities being single. You could wake up tomorrow and go somewhere absolutely mental if you wanted. The fact is, God wants to be in a lovestory with you right now, He wants you to run to Him like you would run to the love of your life. He wants to be the reason you breathe. Nothing delights Him more than when you run to Him and want nothing more than to fall in love with Him. This valentines day, if you dont have that special someone, and even if you do, fall in love with God all over again. The One who never left, who never will leave, who brought you today because He totally believes in you and all that you are.
Monday, 30 January 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
In Memory...
Today I should've been back home. Today I should've been with my family. Today my family attended a service in my church to witness a window being dedicated in memory of my Mum. My Mum died just before my twelfth birthday. She was only 32 years old. I never got a chance to say goodbye to her and not one day goes by where I dont think about how she impacted my life and moulded me into who I am today. I see myself get more and more like her as I grow older. I often haunt people back home because I am so like her. My Nana tells me that my very laugh is so much like hers. I tell you this as a reminder. We dont know when our time is. We dont know how long we have. We didnt expect to lose my Mum. And we still live with the shock of it all. My Mum died of something that could hit anytime. I sunk into such depression after my Mum died. But my Best friend saved my life. Caroline Brown has been my lifelong friend. A girl who has never give up on me. Because of her, I am here, because of her I found Jesus when I needed him the very most. If she hadnt have got me out of the mess I was in, I would be a totally different person in a totally different place right now. And how did she save me? She never gave up on me. Dont give up on people. No one is a lost cause.
Today I want to remember my Mum. Remember the good times. Remember that no matter where I go, or what I do, I will never lose sight of her because every time I look in the mirror I see her. The two most personal things my Mum left on this earth is my brother and myself. I want to make my Mum proud. I want her to look down on me and say "that's my girl right there". I learned so much from this woman. Stuff that has changed me drastically in every aspect of my life. But I especially learned that we never know our time, we never know the time of our loved ones, we never know the time of the stranger next door. Seize every opportunity. If you get an opportunity to talk to someone about Jesus, take it, you may never get it again. I would give the world to go back. I would give the world to just hear her voice again, to hug her one last time, to tell her that I loved her and no matter what happened that would never change. But I missed it. And I kick myself everyday for it. Dont make the same mistake I did.
If you get the opportunity to help someone, do it. If you get the opportunity to love on someone, do it. If you get the opportunity to make a difference in this world in the small time you get, jump for it. Life is just a mist in the scheme of things. We dont have much time but there are plenty of people out there who need YOU, right NOW. Run to them. Seize every moment, Seize every opportunity.
"I shall pass through this world but once,
Every good thing therefore that I can do,
Or any kindness that I can show
To any fellow creature,
Let me do it now.
Let me not defer or neglect it,
For I shall not pass this way again"
Seize the day. Never miss an opportunity. Never part on bad terms. No one is a lost cause.
In Memory of Viola Smyth
Died 04-19-2005
Saturday, 14 January 2012
Settling Back In
So these last few days have just been getting back into life here. I am definitely in Ireland withdrawal. But I know this is where God wants me to be. I'm learning so much here and this place is molding me so much. It was truly amazing when I went home how some people realized this change in me. I want God. He's the only thing I want. I want to live a life that gives Him all the glory. All of it. When it comes down to it, God is the only one I trust. So many things in life let us down, family, friends, jobs, money etc. When you think about it, like I mean really think, what can you really trust in this world? And when you break it all down you realize that you cant trust anything. This world is constantly changing, nothing is constant. But God is constant, He is the same today as He always has been, and He will always be the same. People always ask me how I can trust in God, but He is basically the only thing I believe I can trust in.
Tonight I hung out with friends. We went to church then hit a coffee shop then goofed around for the rest of the night. I had thee best time. I realized just how blessed I was. I am surrounded by the people I love here. I am surrounded by amazing people who are constantly influencing and encouraging me. Sometimes you really just have to stop, look around yourself and take in how truly blessed you are. If your anything like me you'll ask yourself "wow....what did I do to deserve this?", "Why has God blessed me so much?". But this is the absolutely class thing, God believes in YOU. Yea, the master and creator of the universe believes that YOU can make a difference. Mind blown right? Sometimes I wonder how someone so powerful can believe in me, how someone so magnificent loves me, truly loves me, to the point where no human love even comes close! Sometimes it is important to just remind yourself of the basics of God. He is all powerful, He is all loving and He thinks the absolute world of you. This insanely awesome being wants you, wants you like no one else in this world. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to share in your highs, and He wants to be there for you in your lows. But you have to let Him. You have to give up your life for Him. Hand it all over, all of it, and hold nothing back. Because it is only when we lose our life, that we truly find it.
Tonight I hung out with friends. We went to church then hit a coffee shop then goofed around for the rest of the night. I had thee best time. I realized just how blessed I was. I am surrounded by the people I love here. I am surrounded by amazing people who are constantly influencing and encouraging me. Sometimes you really just have to stop, look around yourself and take in how truly blessed you are. If your anything like me you'll ask yourself "wow....what did I do to deserve this?", "Why has God blessed me so much?". But this is the absolutely class thing, God believes in YOU. Yea, the master and creator of the universe believes that YOU can make a difference. Mind blown right? Sometimes I wonder how someone so powerful can believe in me, how someone so magnificent loves me, truly loves me, to the point where no human love even comes close! Sometimes it is important to just remind yourself of the basics of God. He is all powerful, He is all loving and He thinks the absolute world of you. This insanely awesome being wants you, wants you like no one else in this world. He wants a relationship with you. He wants to share in your highs, and He wants to be there for you in your lows. But you have to let Him. You have to give up your life for Him. Hand it all over, all of it, and hold nothing back. Because it is only when we lose our life, that we truly find it.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Back in Cincy
So after long hours of travelling I am now back in the Natti! Its good to be back but home is home really. I realized so much in going home. Getting to see my friends and family was amazing. I left a big part of myself back in Ireland but to be honest, no matter where I go I will always leave that part there. I was able to see Northern Ireland from an outsiders perspective when I went home. Everyone seems to be leaving. There aren't many jobs, many people have found themselves in such crappy financial situations. For so many people there just isn't any hope. I hate seeing my country in this way. I hate seeing people who feel forced into moving because there isn't any work. I realized just how much Ireland is in my blood, how much passion I truly have for it and how much I really want to see change in it.
Being back in Cincy, I'm ready to get started. I really want to have an amazing semester and take back so much more stuff home. I want to apply what I have learned. I want to inspire people. This semester has some crazy things in store for me, I know it! And I'm totally excited about how God is going to mold me and shape me this semester.
"But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through" - Francis Chan
This is one of my favorite quotes. It really hits home doesn't it? Kind of convicting? I am not supposed to live a comfortable life. Fact. I found recently that I seem to find myself moving around so much, constantly being unsettled. But I'm not suppose to settle. I am suppose to be uncomfortable. I am suppose to be fully trusting in God. I am a servant of Christ. It isn't about me. It never was. How many times have I put myself in the situation that Francis Chan is talking about? Not many I can tell you. But this year is about trusting. I want my faith this year to be everything I wish it had of been last year. I want to do crazy and radical things for Christ. Join me? Make 2012 the year that you'll look back on and go "that was the start, that was when I began fully trusting, that was when I finally let go and let God take the reigns on my life and I wonder why I never did it sooner because it was the best thing I ever did because God did insane and crazy wonderful things through me that year"
You have the opportunity. Just as much as anyone. Make this year insane.
Being back in Cincy, I'm ready to get started. I really want to have an amazing semester and take back so much more stuff home. I want to apply what I have learned. I want to inspire people. This semester has some crazy things in store for me, I know it! And I'm totally excited about how God is going to mold me and shape me this semester.
"But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through" - Francis Chan
This is one of my favorite quotes. It really hits home doesn't it? Kind of convicting? I am not supposed to live a comfortable life. Fact. I found recently that I seem to find myself moving around so much, constantly being unsettled. But I'm not suppose to settle. I am suppose to be uncomfortable. I am suppose to be fully trusting in God. I am a servant of Christ. It isn't about me. It never was. How many times have I put myself in the situation that Francis Chan is talking about? Not many I can tell you. But this year is about trusting. I want my faith this year to be everything I wish it had of been last year. I want to do crazy and radical things for Christ. Join me? Make 2012 the year that you'll look back on and go "that was the start, that was when I began fully trusting, that was when I finally let go and let God take the reigns on my life and I wonder why I never did it sooner because it was the best thing I ever did because God did insane and crazy wonderful things through me that year"
You have the opportunity. Just as much as anyone. Make this year insane.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
The Final Countdown
So it has suddenly struck me that Im going back to Cincy in basically a week. This is completely shocking! I cant believe I have been here nearly three weeks, the time has flown by! Basically I dont feel like I have used my time being home wisely, I dont feel like I have been talking and visiting as many people as I should have in the short space of time I have had here. One of my new years resolutions was to build better relationships, become more people focused, really take an interest in peoples lives and just be that person that people know they can talk to. So Im learning to priortize my time, Im getting round and seeing as many people as I can and having good conversations with them. When I got home it was so overwhelming, things that I didnt want to change ..did, and things I did want to change ...didnt.
But the churches are missing a lot. They are missing the point. Granted, some are totally spot on. But this places needs Jesus. Needs a contemporary approach. We need people, teams, anyone with the right mind set, the passion. We need people who love and cherish this country just as much as I do. People who care enough that they want to see this place go under a crazy and radical revolution. You ever want to talk to me about this, I would be more than happy to, you can email me (, I want teams, from anywhere. I want as many people as I can gather to help me and help ministries here change this country. You want to work with a ministry here? I got you! You want to help somewhere? call me up. Honestly that litle voice telling you ask more questions? ask them. That voice whispering in your ear to come here? follow it.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Basically, coming home made me realize that I left a part of myself back in Ireland. A big part. And it will always remain here. You can take the girl from Ireland but you cant take Ireland from the girl. This place changes you. This place inspires. But I want to be part of something big here. I want to make a difference here. My job now? Getting as many people as I can behind me and inspiring as many people as I can to come to this country. This place is beautiful, if youve never been here it will steal your heart.
"For greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city"
This place needs people with passion, this place needs YOU. Lets see this place change. Lets see it soon.
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