So it has suddenly struck me that Im going back to Cincy in basically a week. This is completely shocking! I cant believe I have been here nearly three weeks, the time has flown by! Basically I dont feel like I have used my time being home wisely, I dont feel like I have been talking and visiting as many people as I should have in the short space of time I have had here. One of my new years resolutions was to build better relationships, become more people focused, really take an interest in peoples lives and just be
that person that people know they can talk to. So Im learning to priortize my time, Im getting round and seeing as many people as I can and having good conversations with them. When I got home it was so overwhelming, things that I didnt want to change ..did, and things I did want to change ...didnt.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world"
Basically, coming home made me realize that I left a part of myself back in Ireland. A big part. And it will always remain here. You can take the girl from Ireland but you cant take Ireland from the girl. This place changes you. This place inspires. But I want to be part of something big here. I want to make a difference here. My job now? Getting as many people as I can behind me and inspiring as many people as I can to come to this country. This place is beautiful, if youve never been here it will steal your heart.
"For greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city"

But the churches are missing a lot. They are missing the point. Granted, some are totally spot on. But this places
needs Jesus.
Needs a contemporary approach. We need people, teams, anyone with the right mind set, the passion. We need people who love and cherish this country just as much as I do. People who care enough that they want to see this place go under a crazy and radical revolution. You ever want to talk to me about this, I would be more than happy to, you can email me (, I want teams, from anywhere. I want as many people as I can gather to help me and help ministries here change this country. You want to work with a ministry here? I got you! You want to help somewhere? call me up. Honestly that litle voice telling you ask more questions? ask them. That voice whispering in your ear to come here? follow it.
This place needs people with passion, this place needs YOU. Lets see this place change. Lets see it soon.
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