So after long hours of travelling I am now back in the Natti! Its good to be back but home is home really. I realized so much in going home. Getting to see my friends and family was amazing. I left a big part of myself back in Ireland but to be honest, no matter where I go I will always leave that part there. I was able to see Northern Ireland from an outsiders perspective when I went home. Everyone seems to be leaving. There aren't many jobs, many people have found themselves in such crappy financial situations. For so many people there just isn't any hope. I hate seeing my country in this way. I hate seeing people who feel forced into moving because there isn't any work. I realized just how much Ireland is in my blood, how much passion I truly have for it and how much I really want to see change in it.
Being back in Cincy, I'm ready to get started. I really want to have an amazing semester and take back so much more stuff home. I want to apply what I have learned. I want to inspire people. This semester has some crazy things in store for me, I know it! And I'm totally excited about how God is going to mold me and shape me this semester.
"But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through" - Francis Chan
This is one of my favorite quotes. It really hits home doesn't it? Kind of convicting? I am not supposed to live a comfortable life. Fact. I found recently that I seem to find myself moving around so much, constantly being unsettled. But I'm not suppose to settle. I am suppose to be uncomfortable. I am suppose to be fully trusting in God. I am a servant of Christ. It isn't about me. It never was. How many times have I put myself in the situation that Francis Chan is talking about? Not many I can tell you. But this year is about trusting. I want my faith this year to be everything I wish it had of been last year. I want to do crazy and radical things for Christ. Join me? Make 2012 the year that you'll look back on and go "that was the start, that was when I began fully trusting, that was when I finally let go and let God take the reigns on my life and I wonder why I never did it sooner because it was the best thing I ever did because God did insane and crazy wonderful things through me that year"
You have the opportunity. Just as much as anyone. Make this year insane.
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