Sunday, 8 April 2012

I Promise I'm Getting My Life in Order

So again, I apologize for being so undisciplined with this. But my life is taking so many exciting turns. Basically, today is an awesome day in the Christian calender. We celebrate Jesus raising from the dead. Death could not contain Him nor the grave restrain Him. You see today I feel I get to start over. I am sick of being complacent. You see, I see and am part of something amazing. Think of life as a game, it kinda is sometimes you have to admit. We've always been taught its not about winning or losing but how we play the game (yea like we ever listened to that, I hate to lose) but here's the deal, we have a desire to win deep inside of us and you know what? we can have it, the ultimate win. You see Jesus has already won, He defeated death, and last time I checked I don't see much of that going on right now. Jesus has won and now its just about how we play the game, if you have Jesus you know of the victory. You're probably thinking 'ok so where does that leave me, if its done, where do I have a place?". Well let me just answer that for you, we need to show other people that victory, we need to show them how they can be part of this awesome victory. People who are beat down by life day in and day out, we need to show them that defeat is not their ultimate fate. We need to show them the victory they can have in Jesus Christ, how they can be transformed completely by the undying love of Christ. I'm sick of being so conscious of what others think of me, to the detriment of my ministry, and I'm sorry to burst your bubble christian readers but this isn't about you...we have been gifted with knowing an absolutely amazing story. And if you are so utterly convinced of the realities of God, of heaven, how much do you really hate someone that you don't share that with them? I'm guilty of this, and it is something I have to remind myself of everyday, I have to keep reminding myself that this life is not mine, it never was, but God has placed me as manager of it, has given me gifts and abilities that if I use wisely I can be part of something amazing. I can make a difference. Yes me, a measly teenage girl from Northern Ireland. And you know what, YOU can too. I want to keep you encouraging you. You see, this weekend I decided that I am not where I want to be in my faith, I have become too comfortable, and there is no fun in comfort. I want to be ruthless, bold, I want to be remembered as a young woman who poured out the Holy Spirit in everything she did, but that doesn't just happen over night. Join me in this journey, try it out too, because you can, but you have to want to change, you have to be open to the call. You have to allow God to work in your life, allow Him to fix the crap in your life and let him chisel away at you, and it'll hurt, but if you want to be built on the solid foundation that is Christ and be truly transformed by Him, its what needs to be done. And I'll be right beside you every step of the way.
Love in Him,
Vikki :)

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