The short answer? Not as much as I should be.
So being tired with myself I am taking a year to find myself. To get a grasp of who I want to be, a year to solely focus on God, my dreams, and the woman I want to be in Christ. I'm sick of worrying who I think people want me to be, being a people pleaser is a total waste of time. And no matter how hard you try you will never please everyone. I get so worried about my future which comes at the detriment to my present. I live so much in the future that my present fails me daily. So my plan of action? I am off dating, for a year in the hope that I can discover who I am, so I can make myself into a woman totally after Gods own heart because I know that that is going to get me so much farther than anything else. You see, if I do this there is no way I could ever waste my time doing it or regret doing it. I'll be keeping you updated on my journey, as I become more open to letting God use me in whichever way he desires. But I need to solely focus, to not lose sight of why I am here and be open to Gods time. I am so excited to see how God is going to work in me and through me.
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