Wednesday, 9 May 2012

The End of Freshman Year

So I did it. I cannot believe how quickly it all went in. I have successfully completed one year of my degree at Cincinnati Christian University. Wow. It is unbelievable how much I have learned in this past year. I have built incredible friendships, learned stuff that has totally changed my spin on things and learned a lot of things about myself along the way.

But the most important thing I have taken from this year is that I have a God who will never ever desert me. I am a sensitive soul (despite the persona I try to give off), I often get hurt by people and sometimes you just get used to it right? Get used to be forgotten about or let down. I am not playing the victim here, I am equally at fault for hurting people myself and not being the best person I can be. We have all been badly hurt by another human being but the total beauty of God is that He will never hurt us. He will teach us things in ways we would rather not learn them but in the end the hurt we may go through in that is totally worth it in the end. I have been there, and I can honestly tell you that the events in my life where I have been seriously hurt are the ones which made me into the girl I am today.

God has been my total rock this past year. Away from everything I have every known has been difficult. 4000 miles from the people I love wasn't easy. But I would never do things any different. God has taught me so much. He has brought so many awesome people into my life; some as blessings and some as life lessons. But even the mistakes I have made in this last year? I would never take them back, because I am so much wiser for them.

The action plan... I want this summer to be crazy awesome and I know that I will be able to have that if I devote this summer to God. I want to take this time to fully throw myself into His Word, trust in Him more than I ever have in the past and fall totally in love with Him all over again. Make summer 2012 the summer you look back on and go "wow, that's when it all changed, that was the summer which changed my life"

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