Saturday, 30 June 2012
Fused Camp :)
This will be my second year doing Fused summer camp and I am so excited. We will be working with Southland Christian Church from Lexington, Kentucky.doing a camp for kids aged 4-18. I am so excited for this. Just be praying for these kids and they will be receptive to what we have to tell them and just that God can work threw us. Blessed to work with such an incredible team.
I love because He first loved.
I refuse to give up on any one person in my life. No one is a lost cause. I'll be there for as long as my physical and spiritual strength allows. My greatest strength is God and His greatest strength is love. Love wins. Every time. Always.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Godly Examples
Tonight I had the incredible opportunity to hang out with an amazing Godly woman who I really look up to over here. Her name is Brittney Staubach and I've had the absolute pleasure of knowing her since 2009. She has taught me so much in the three years I have known her. She has taught me just how to really chase after God and trust in His plan even when it makes absolutely no sense. Her love for the Lord is just inspiring and the example she sets for me as a Godly woman is incredible.
I believe it is so important that we have these examples in our lives which we can turn to; for guidance, advice, direction, wisdom and prayer. In the hope that we can be these examples for others.
When Brittney arrived to get me tonight I had just such a heavy heart. It seemed like so many things were coming at me from so many different angles. God totally was working through her tonight and her honesty and advice was something which I needed to hear and had so much wisdom behind it. She sets such an awesome example for a woman who is wholly chasing after God and is just such a beautiful woman in Christ. I really really encourage you, if you don't already have one, to seek out mentors or Godly examples who can pour into your life and who you can go to for counsel. We love to think we have all the answers and that we can do it by ourselves but the Bible teaches all about fellowship and about seeking the counsel of wiser people. God didn't intend us to battle life alone. And if you think that you have got it all under control and think you know everything, you may have a pride issue. I used to think that I didn't need help, that I had this life deal sorted out and I could do it by myself. Thankfully, God softened my heart to that, and I learned how much people could guide me and how many awful decisions I could avoid from advice people had to give me. Hindsight is an incredible thing, and so many people can offer you that hindsight, people who have already lived what you have gone through.
From meeting with Brittney tonight I feel like there are so many things I have a better grasp on and I feel like Brittney pushed me back in track to where I want to be. She set me a beautiful example of where I hope I can come close to being someday. And I am so unbelievably thankful for these examples in my life. I am thankful for awesome Godly women who are stepping up to be examples for young girls.
I believe it is so important that we have these examples in our lives which we can turn to; for guidance, advice, direction, wisdom and prayer. In the hope that we can be these examples for others.
When Brittney arrived to get me tonight I had just such a heavy heart. It seemed like so many things were coming at me from so many different angles. God totally was working through her tonight and her honesty and advice was something which I needed to hear and had so much wisdom behind it. She sets such an awesome example for a woman who is wholly chasing after God and is just such a beautiful woman in Christ. I really really encourage you, if you don't already have one, to seek out mentors or Godly examples who can pour into your life and who you can go to for counsel. We love to think we have all the answers and that we can do it by ourselves but the Bible teaches all about fellowship and about seeking the counsel of wiser people. God didn't intend us to battle life alone. And if you think that you have got it all under control and think you know everything, you may have a pride issue. I used to think that I didn't need help, that I had this life deal sorted out and I could do it by myself. Thankfully, God softened my heart to that, and I learned how much people could guide me and how many awful decisions I could avoid from advice people had to give me. Hindsight is an incredible thing, and so many people can offer you that hindsight, people who have already lived what you have gone through.
From meeting with Brittney tonight I feel like there are so many things I have a better grasp on and I feel like Brittney pushed me back in track to where I want to be. She set me a beautiful example of where I hope I can come close to being someday. And I am so unbelievably thankful for these examples in my life. I am thankful for awesome Godly women who are stepping up to be examples for young girls.
Final Days
In the final days of my first year in the USA! Cannot believe it has been a year, its been a year of laughs, smiles, tears and everything in between. god has really moved within my life in the past year, I have met people who have really impacted me and have become a part of who I am. It wasn't all easy sailing by any means and I am no where near where I want to be; in my faith and in how much I want to know. One thing I can honestly tell you is that I am not the same freshman girl who entered the doors of CCU in August 2011. I have grown a lot, matured a lot and am finally on course to trying to be the beautiful woman that God wants me to be. This growth has not been easy either, God had and still does have so much work to do in and through me. Everyday he is chiseling away at me, scraping the crap stuff and the excess baggage that I have accumulated onto my life these past 19 years.
I am learning to fall in love with my savior. To run after Him with every strength and bone in my body. And I fall, believe me I do. And I always fall short of where I should be, but I know that even on my very worst day, His love for me is unchanging. I owe EVERYTHING to Him. And so that it how I must repay Him, with EVERYTHING I can give. Guys watch this space, because God is working.
I am learning to fall in love with my savior. To run after Him with every strength and bone in my body. And I fall, believe me I do. And I always fall short of where I should be, but I know that even on my very worst day, His love for me is unchanging. I owe EVERYTHING to Him. And so that it how I must repay Him, with EVERYTHING I can give. Guys watch this space, because God is working.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
One Week
In exactly one week I will be sitting at O'Hare airport Chicago on my way to see the the beautiful friends and family I have not seen in 6 months. I just want to be back now. This place runs in my blood and you have no idea the huge smile I have on my face the minute my plane lands in Dublin. In just over a week I'll be in MY house, with MY beautiful family, hanging out with MY incredible and crazy friends. I wish the trip was longer and it'll be hard to come back but I want to squeeze everything I can out of everyday, never waste one moment. I'll be getting up to craziness and pranks with my brother, saying goodnight to my daddy every night before I go to bed, walking the beach, having tea with nana, watching movies and going on walks and to coffee shops with my best friends, planning our trip to New York with the NASTIES haha doing fused camp for two weeks, and watching my best friend marry the love of her life in a front row seat right beside her. These things don't even seem real now and you're probably reading them thinking 'wow they don't sound like much', but they mean the absolute world to me!! I'm coming home. And I cannot wait.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Finishing When God Writes Your Love Story
I started reading this book thinking it would be the mushiest thing I had ever read. I have not finished it and I can honestly tell you that his book has seriously changed so much of my thinking in regards to not just relationships but in how I deal with all people on a day to day basis. This book has so much truth in it which would help encourage those of you thinking about pursuing a relationship, those of you already in a relationship or even those of you who aren't particularly interested in relationships. Eric and Leslie Ludy make this book so easily accessible to any audience. If you are in any form of church leadership, I strongly recommend it because this book would be fantastic in you advising people both young and old about relationships.
So much ground is covered in the 250 pages of this book. It will teach you not only how to pursue good relationships but the importance of our purity; physically, emotionally and mentally. To Leslie and Eric there is no much more to purity than just putting a physical relationship on hold. It will also teach you how to be respective of your future husband/ wife long before you even meet them. Crazy idea right? But it can totally happen. The idea of love and relationships in this book is real. There are definitely moments in t where you are thinking 'wow. This is so cute and mushy, surely this can't be real' but they also show the very real side. The importance of forgiveness on a daily basis, patience, and the work that should be involved in a relationship. By reading this book you could be made aware of information which could save a lot of heartache along the way, either in a relationship or in the pursuit of one. Eric and Leslie also help you to understand how other relationships are so important in regards to your pursuit of a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship. They will challenge you to strengthen relationships with family,friends and mentors and challenge you to love like Jesus in all areas of your life.
This book is a must read, I'm even starting a book by Leslie tonight called 'Set-Apart Femininity', I've been told this will totally change my thinking again. But it is all too easy to let books change our thinking for a short period of time until we forget about it and give way to our old bad habits.
So in short: read this book by this awesome godly couple, it has honesty really caused me to evaluate so my in my life as a whole let alone dating life. This couple seriously know what's up and there will be so many times which you look up, look all around you and be like 'are they writing this to me?'
So much ground is covered in the 250 pages of this book. It will teach you not only how to pursue good relationships but the importance of our purity; physically, emotionally and mentally. To Leslie and Eric there is no much more to purity than just putting a physical relationship on hold. It will also teach you how to be respective of your future husband/ wife long before you even meet them. Crazy idea right? But it can totally happen. The idea of love and relationships in this book is real. There are definitely moments in t where you are thinking 'wow. This is so cute and mushy, surely this can't be real' but they also show the very real side. The importance of forgiveness on a daily basis, patience, and the work that should be involved in a relationship. By reading this book you could be made aware of information which could save a lot of heartache along the way, either in a relationship or in the pursuit of one. Eric and Leslie also help you to understand how other relationships are so important in regards to your pursuit of a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship. They will challenge you to strengthen relationships with family,friends and mentors and challenge you to love like Jesus in all areas of your life.
This book is a must read, I'm even starting a book by Leslie tonight called 'Set-Apart Femininity', I've been told this will totally change my thinking again. But it is all too easy to let books change our thinking for a short period of time until we forget about it and give way to our old bad habits.
So in short: read this book by this awesome godly couple, it has honesty really caused me to evaluate so my in my life as a whole let alone dating life. This couple seriously know what's up and there will be so many times which you look up, look all around you and be like 'are they writing this to me?'
Sunday, 17 June 2012
When God Writes Your Love Story
So I'm reading this book by Eric and Leslie Ludy called 'When God Writes Your Love Story'. I know I can hear you already 'vikki? Is that you? What has America done to you?'. This book was given to me by a friend who told me to read it and see if it was good so she would know whether I read it. It not only is talking about relationships but on how to just live a life full of love and encourages you to show that love in all aspects of your life.
But ladies there is one part I really want to share with you that was pointed out in this book. Proverbs 31 is commonly known as the 'Godly woman' chapter, well it says in verse 12 'she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life'. ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE, you're probably like how can I honor my husband 'all the days of my life', before I have even met him? Well, yes. We have all had the purity talk, about saving ourselves. But the way the book thinks is so much deeper than that. Eric and Leslie challenge their readers to imagine that their future husband or wife is watching them, could you imagine how differently you would act if you knew your future spouse was watching you? You'd act better right? You wouldn't flirt as much with other people, you'd guard yourself in relationships, you would act... the way you should do. Honor that person, if you haven't already, start now. Let them know you thought about them long before you even met. That you tried your best o honor them all the days of your life.
But ladies there is one part I really want to share with you that was pointed out in this book. Proverbs 31 is commonly known as the 'Godly woman' chapter, well it says in verse 12 'she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life'. ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE, you're probably like how can I honor my husband 'all the days of my life', before I have even met him? Well, yes. We have all had the purity talk, about saving ourselves. But the way the book thinks is so much deeper than that. Eric and Leslie challenge their readers to imagine that their future husband or wife is watching them, could you imagine how differently you would act if you knew your future spouse was watching you? You'd act better right? You wouldn't flirt as much with other people, you'd guard yourself in relationships, you would act... the way you should do. Honor that person, if you haven't already, start now. Let them know you thought about them long before you even met. That you tried your best o honor them all the days of your life.
The Things Which Warm My Heart
Ok so these past couple weeks I have been working with Bloc Ministries. This ministry is pretty big in Cincinnati and it works with inner city kids. I work with the one in St. Michaels and these kids totally have my heart. I can honestly tell you that they teach me so much and I learn so much from them. They teach me so much about Jesus that it's incredible. When you see their littles faces light up suddenly you realize what it's all about. A smile for me is worth a thousand words. Let me show you some of these precious children. These kids face drug deals on their doorsteps, shootings in their playgrounds, see prostitution and violence daily. This is normality for them. I really encourage you to look into Bloc and the amazing work which they are doing.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Breathe Life into Stone
I realized today that I changed the name of my blog without actually explaining it. It's a Shakespeare quote which ever since I heard I totally fell in love with. The imagery of that for me is incredible and it's something which I want to apply to my life every day. The idea of bringing something to life is so incredible for me.It's something which I have always loved. Throughout high school my favorite things were English literature and Art. I could create pictures and sketches which could totally come to life. Out of a lump of clay I could create huge pieces of art full of small detail and could create meaning out of it.
I honestly believe that it is from this passion of bringing things to life that God called me into ministry.
I believe I am called to tell people about Jesus, about the hope that is found in him. I am on this earth to breathe life into people. Breathe life into the hurting hearts of so many people on this earth. I want to see people come to life, come to life in Jesus. Recently, I was dogsitting at a house and the owner told me not to worry about watering the plants on the back doorstep, they were dead, long gone. I took this as a challenge, how incredible it could be if I could bring these back to life. And it's probably something to do with my stubborn character where I like to surprise people. I watered it all week. And when the week was up and I was moving out of the house there was little or no change in the plant. It did cross my mind that I had wasted my time but I always work on a 'you never know' attitude.
Just last Monday I was called back to dog sit and when I was fixing something up in the kitchen I looked to the plants on the back doorstep. I seen the flower, it wasn't the same flower I had left behind. It wasn't brown, with little or no petals. This one had come back to life. It was gorgeous, full of color. Sometimes when we are working in ministry we can get caught up in the fact we don't see change right there and then. So many of us will invest so much into the lives of others and feel like we see little or no change. But change happens days, months, even years after we have any involvement. Don't be discouraged if you are really investing into someones life and are seeing little or no change. All you need to do is plant that seed, of kindness, of Christ and hope that at sometime along the line it grows. We aren't in charge of that part. It requires patience. No one is a "lost cause" and no one is too far gone or out of reach of Christ, keep pouring into people, and never lose hope. You never know the effect you will have on this earth, or the ripple effect you could start.

I believe I am called to tell people about Jesus, about the hope that is found in him. I am on this earth to breathe life into people. Breathe life into the hurting hearts of so many people on this earth. I want to see people come to life, come to life in Jesus. Recently, I was dogsitting at a house and the owner told me not to worry about watering the plants on the back doorstep, they were dead, long gone. I took this as a challenge, how incredible it could be if I could bring these back to life. And it's probably something to do with my stubborn character where I like to surprise people. I watered it all week. And when the week was up and I was moving out of the house there was little or no change in the plant. It did cross my mind that I had wasted my time but I always work on a 'you never know' attitude.
Just last Monday I was called back to dog sit and when I was fixing something up in the kitchen I looked to the plants on the back doorstep. I seen the flower, it wasn't the same flower I had left behind. It wasn't brown, with little or no petals. This one had come back to life. It was gorgeous, full of color. Sometimes when we are working in ministry we can get caught up in the fact we don't see change right there and then. So many of us will invest so much into the lives of others and feel like we see little or no change. But change happens days, months, even years after we have any involvement. Don't be discouraged if you are really investing into someones life and are seeing little or no change. All you need to do is plant that seed, of kindness, of Christ and hope that at sometime along the line it grows. We aren't in charge of that part. It requires patience. No one is a "lost cause" and no one is too far gone or out of reach of Christ, keep pouring into people, and never lose hope. You never know the effect you will have on this earth, or the ripple effect you could start.
The "Lost Cause" Flower
Galatians 6:9: "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up"
Friday, 8 June 2012
Realizations and Ramblings
So again it's been ages since I last blogged, a friend brought me up on it and it has been on my mind ever since. But honestly I was so glad I was brought up on it because it got me thinking about how seriously I was talking my faith and how much dedication I was showing in it. This blog is as much for me as it is for you. I love Jesus with all my heart, I am here and am what I am because of Him. I let "life" get in the way with my relationship sometimes which is definitely not how it should be. We get ourselves so caught up in volunteering, going to church, church events etc etc etc thinking that is spending time with Jesus and really seeking after Him. These things help, don't get me wrong, we are called to a life of service. But sometimes we get so caught up in the action that we forget to just grab our Bibles, and go somewhere quiet and spend some time with God.
Recently I really tried to reach out to someone who has always been a part of my life. I wasn't happy with how our relationship was and I wanted to have them in my life, they're a family member and really we should be close. I emailed them, because its the only way of contact we have and when I got a reply it wasn't what I thought it would be. It was like we had no connection whatsoever, like they had no idea who I was. It cut deep. I got so down and just sat feeling sorry for myself. But I picked up my devotional and seen the verse of the day James 3:18, which talks about peacekeepers and that if they sow in peace will reap a harvest of righteousness. What I am trying to get at here is that I did right by God, and even though it wasn't received in the way I wanted, God is who I am out to please, not other people. When I realized this, I felt the weight lift off my shoulders.
I'm beginning to make such important choices and decisions in my life which will have lasting effects. I want so badly to make the right ones. I literally kept going back to my prayer journal with truths and things I was discovering tonight just from sitting down and reading the word and spending time just writing and talking to God. He promises us that if we come close to Him that He will draw near to us. I know that I will choose things wisely when I am constantly in the Word and in conversation with Him. I want to be consumed by the Word. I was having really insecure thoughts tonight, not feeling worthy of things but I went straight to my devotional and it told me how God loves me regardless of what I do, how I look, how I grew up. You see God and His love are the only things I can be sure of in this life. FACT. Things in this world can leave your life just as quick as they came into it. After feeling so insecure I can honestly tell you that I came out of my time with God feeling beautiful and ready to face the world with whatever it could throw at me. I'm learning to find my strength in God. Because He is the one who gives me hope every day. Im just on such a high from spending time with Him today and from how much I learned. I want the same for you! I want you to feel this empowerment and worth from spending time with Him.
James 4:8 "Come near to God and He will come near to you"
That's a promise.
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