Friday, 8 June 2012

Realizations and Ramblings

So again it's been ages since I last blogged, a friend brought me up on it and it has been on my mind ever since. But honestly I was so glad I was brought up on it because it got me thinking about how seriously I was talking my faith and how much dedication I was showing in it. This blog is as much for me as it is for you. I love Jesus with all my heart, I am here and am what I am because of Him. I let "life" get in the way with my relationship sometimes which is definitely not how it should be. We get ourselves so caught up in volunteering, going to church, church events etc etc etc thinking that is spending time with Jesus and really seeking after Him. These things help, don't get me wrong, we are called to a life of service. But sometimes we get so caught up in the action that we forget to just grab our Bibles, and go somewhere quiet and spend some time with God.
                     Recently I really tried to reach out to someone who has always been a part of my life. I wasn't happy with how our relationship was and I wanted to have them in my life, they're a family member and really we should be close. I emailed them, because its the only way of contact we have and when I got a reply it wasn't what I thought it would be. It was like we had no connection whatsoever, like they had no idea who I was. It cut deep. I got so down and just sat feeling sorry for myself. But I picked up my devotional and seen the verse of the day James 3:18, which talks about peacekeepers and that if they sow in peace will reap a harvest of righteousness. What I am trying to get at here is that I did right by God, and even though it wasn't received in the way I wanted, God is who I am out to please, not other people. When I realized this, I felt the weight lift off my shoulders.
                       I'm beginning to make such important choices and decisions in my life which will have lasting effects. I want so badly to make the right ones. I literally kept going back to my prayer journal with truths and things I was discovering tonight just from sitting down and reading the word and spending time just writing and talking to God. He promises us that if we come close to Him that He will draw near to us. I know that I will choose things wisely when I am constantly in the Word and in conversation with Him. I want to be consumed by the Word. I was having really insecure thoughts tonight, not feeling worthy of things but I went straight to my devotional and it told me how God loves me regardless of what I do, how I look, how I grew up. You see God and His love are the only things I can be sure of in this life. FACT. Things in this world can leave your life just as quick as they came into it. After feeling so insecure I can honestly tell you that I came out of my time with God feeling beautiful and ready to face the world with whatever it could throw at me. I'm learning to find my strength in God. Because He is the one who gives me hope every day. Im just on such a high from spending time with Him today and from how much I learned. I want the same for you! I want you to feel this empowerment and worth from spending time with Him.

James 4:8 "Come near to God and He will come near to you" 

That's a promise. 

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