So I'm reading this book by Eric and Leslie Ludy called 'When God Writes Your Love Story'. I know I can hear you already 'vikki? Is that you? What has America done to you?'. This book was given to me by a friend who told me to read it and see if it was good so she would know whether I read it. It not only is talking about relationships but on how to just live a life full of love and encourages you to show that love in all aspects of your life.
But ladies there is one part I really want to share with you that was pointed out in this book. Proverbs 31 is commonly known as the 'Godly woman' chapter, well it says in verse 12 'she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life'. ALL THE DAYS OF HER LIFE, you're probably like how can I honor my husband 'all the days of my life', before I have even met him? Well, yes. We have all had the purity talk, about saving ourselves. But the way the book thinks is so much deeper than that. Eric and Leslie challenge their readers to imagine that their future husband or wife is watching them, could you imagine how differently you would act if you knew your future spouse was watching you? You'd act better right? You wouldn't flirt as much with other people, you'd guard yourself in relationships, you would act... the way you should do. Honor that person, if you haven't already, start now. Let them know you thought about them long before you even met. That you tried your best o honor them all the days of your life.
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