Typically, this happens often, where I forget neglect this blog for ages then return with an apology. I'm guessing you must think that this is just something with occurs often and I always return with an apology and a remark about how it will never happen again. Again, I tell that to you. But this time I come with reasoning and I will update you wit what all has been happening in my life since I have returned. Why I feel so confident that I will not let you down again is because I now...wait for it...have a computer!
Basically my last computer had hated me for some time. It never was quite the same after traveling it across the pond for my freshman year (we all know where its allegiance lied). Well I tried to make it up to my old Dell but it wasn't having any of that and finally passed on just before I went back home for summer.
Well there is now a new addition to the Vikki Smyth family wolfpack family of one, and it is a 13" MacBook Air. it was a long struggle to get him here but after a lot of work and pain he was brought into my life yesterday in the Lexington mall and was brought home with me that day. We have already bonded unbelievably and I can tell we will have a very happy life together. I guess some would say we are in the lovey dovey honeymoon phase of our relationship and I would wholeheartedly agree with that since I would 100% agree with the statement that we are "made for one another"....
...anyway this story means, I will be blogging more, I hope I haven't lost you ...
Vikki x
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