Friday, 7 September 2012

My Sawyer Retreat.

I was going to call this post my Sawyer Sabbatical because I am a big fan of alliteration but I settled on retreat because I feel that "retreat" is better at showing what I want to talk about. Last Friday I set off for Lexington for Labor day weekend, it was also my best friend Corinne's birthday and my friend Mark and I really wanted to spend it with her since all us Northern Irish are this side of the pond now. I was exhausted; physically, emotionally and spiritually. I was carrying the world on my shoulders and was drained beyond belief. Even to the point that Mark turned round to me on the drive down and said "Vikki...You look terrible", obviously in his compassionate and diplomatic self :) I had stayed at the Sawyers before and somehow before I went down there each time, I was exhausted, drained.
                     I got into the house of John and Brenda Sawyer late that night and immediately felt at home. The Sawyers house is one of the most welcoming homes I have been in and to walk into a place 4000 miles from your actual house and feel so at home is something which rarely happens. But the reasoning behind why I felt so at home was not simply because of how the house is decorated. I can honestly tell you that I look up to this couple so much. They constantly pour themselves into the community around them, the church and wider community also. I have worked alongside John and Brenda in Northern Ireland where they have been leading mission trips for many years. The impact they have 4000 miles away is nothing short of inspiring.
                     We have come to know John and Brenda as "Mama and Papa Sawyer", these people have children all over the world because of the love they show to people.Being around this couple just regenerates me beyond belief. Staying with them and their daughter Rachel just gave me insight into a godly family unit. Not only are they so engaged in the ministry around them, they show the power of having a ministry within your home and the effects it can bring about. I can honestly tell you that after my weekend with the Sawyers I came back to school totally revitalized and just overwhelmed by the fact that people I was connected to through Christ had such a genuine care and concern for me. This is something which just overwhelms me so much sometimes, that we have all these connections to people all over the world, and in this we can have a deep bond and love which is all rooted in Christ. John and Brenda are such examples to me in so many ways, they represent a Godly relationship, ultimate servants, loyal Christians among many other things which I hope to be someday. They inspire me to be the person I want to be, to strive for the best all in the name of Christ.
                      John and Brenda teach me that ministry is everywhere. Ministry happens when you take people into your home or when you take them out to eat. Ministry is not just in words but in cooking someone a meal or just sitting down over a cup of tea. Jesus isn't just saved for the pulpit, He's in everything and you can present Him in so many different ways, just make sure you present the same Jesus each time.

My Beautiful best friend Corinne who turned 20, without her I can honestly tell you I would be a crazy person. Blessed to call her my best friend and sister in Christ <3

The wonderful John and Brenda Sawyer, inspirations to many and great examples to follow :)

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