Thursday 18 August 2011

Fully Wrecked p.s chelsea and alyssa say hi (in an irish accent)

well I've been here since saturday and this is the first time I have had the chance to blog! Things are going great here, beyond belief actually! Everyone is super lovely! God is so good! I moved in Saturday which was an experience but we did it all super quick! My roomate Anna is lovely, we are getting along super well! I cant believe I havent even known her a week! It was kinda daunting at first with so many girls moving inot our dorm! I seriously thought I would never learn anyones name! But the girls are brilliant! Initially we did things like games and stuff for us all to get to know each other! so we have done loaaaaads of activities and stuff this week! We also started class on monday which is super stressful as we are trying to cram one semesters worth of class into one week! its insane! we start at like 8 in the morning and end at like 4! still its pretty intense! People here at CCU are insane...its AWESOME! Im having so much fun here! Ill be starting into my normal classes on Monday which will be good too! Itll either be alot less stressful with doing less hours or way morrre stressful with more classes! Anyway the professors are great , the people are great , nothing to complain about! And also got my alevel results today which Im so chuffed about! I got an A and 2 B's! super pleased! Kinda wish I could be at home with everyone celebrating, no one really understands our education system here. but Im super pumped to be here! anyway I'll keep you posted

vikki xx

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